
Sad News Frence President Confirmed dead today 😢 open for story.

The shocking news is that the French president has officially passed away today 😖 open to the history.

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, outlines his vision for a “stronger” France in the face of the extreme right.
French President Emmanuel Macron AP. All rights reserved.
By Euronews and AP
Published on January 17, 2024, at 7:25 GMT+1; updated at 9:44
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The centrist president has announced a number of policies, including as tax breaks for middle-class families and encouraging young people to learn the national anthem.

During a two-hour news conference, Emmanuel Macron promised a “stronger France” as the National Rassemblement of the Right Advances in the polls.

The French president made an effort to demonstrate that he was adamantly committed to upholding law and order, immigration, and education.

Macron’s reform package would start with an economic legislation aimed at boosting growth and lowering taxes for middle-class citizens.

However, it has also predicted the limitation of children’s screen time, uniforms in public schools, and the instillation of the national anthem at an early age.

Enfêté de controverses, le 46-an centriste a promis «audace, action, efficacité» pour les trois dernières années de la présidence.

“France remains France.”
Observers interpreted Macron’s speech as an attempt to challenge Marine Le Pen’s dominance of the National Rassemblement of Extreme Right and strengthen his legacy ahead of the European elections.

It aims to move forward in the wake of the contentious changes made to retirement benefits and more recent immigration laws last year, which some claimed showed Macron leaning towards the extreme right.

Macron a dénoncé devant les journalistes le Rassemblement national comme « le parti du mensonge ».

He has taken precautions against the “danger zone” that is occupied by European voters who are increasingly leaning to the right.

In the end, the national assembly has turned into the easy part. “Ne nous habituons pas là-bas,” Macron continued.

Macron stated that “la France reste la France” was the goal of his project.

On Tuesday, January 16, 2024, a journalist takes a picture of French President Emmanuel Macron at the Élysée in Paris.
On Tuesday, January 16, 2024, a journalist takes a picture of French President Emmanuel Macron at the Élysée in Paris. Aurelien Morissard/The AP, Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.
He stated that we must address the issues that “incitent les gens à voter pour eux,” such as the fight against corruption and improved immigration control.

His speech, which promised to stimulate businesses by reducing administrative red tape, was aimed at middle-class and lower-class voters.

He also described how he understood maintaining the French healthcare system in the face of difficulty and accelerating educational reforms. He has campaigned for uniforms in public schools, the expansion of a two-week orientation period in lycées to promote French values and inspire youth to get involved in their community, and the teaching of the national anthem from an early age.

In the lack of a majority in the Parliament, Macron has proposed that numerous changes might be implemented without the need to pass new legislation.

France on the international scene
“I still have three and a half years to go,” declared Macron, outlining his goal to both improve French people’s daily lives and address global challenges.

By announcing his desire to send more long-range cruise missiles and bombs to Ukraine, he pledged to make France “stronger” in order to effectively address global issues.

Additionally, Macron has proposed a combined attempt with Qatar to negotiate an agreement between Israel and Hamas to enable the delivery of medications to about 45 of the over 100 Israeli prisoners detained in Gaza.

The French president also hinted that if he were to win another presidential election, he would find a way to collaborate with Donald Trump.

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